Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash
Novel Coronavirus had wrecked havoc when the number of cases were constantly rising in 2020. Tracking covid data was of essence at that time. In this project, I used Covid data APIs to access the data and analyze/visualize it. I did this project in the first year of my undergraduate degree.
The aim of this project was to learn how to access data from APIs and then clean it for easy representation using visualizations. Two types of data were cleaned and used for visualization:
1. Global Covid Data
2. Country-wise Covid Data
Data cleaning and analysis was done in python programming language. I even made some visualizations in python. To go a level higher, I learnt tableau and even made a dashboard consisting of 2 visualizations based on filters, 1 for global data and 1 for country-wise data. The data is updated till March, 2021. You can see the visualization below: